*Updated on 1/19 - Abuse & Porn added
Hello my love,
Here’s the deal; social media hates people like me. You know it, I know it, pretty much anyone with a social media account on any platform in 2025 knows this to be true.
This specifically impacts sex coaches and educators and anyone wanting to educate people about pleasure and their bodies… even more specifically this impacts women, non-binary people, just about anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and most definitely anyone empowering women and people with vulvas about their own pleasure and bodies. I digress.
Lucky for you my darling, I’m smarter than the bots and I figured out a really fun way to get you the information you need, without getting flagged, taken down or shadow-banned by the bots.
I have to be honest, I had a *really* fun time creating this glossary for us. I tried to make it as easy as possibles so that once you know a few words here and there, your brain will be able to pick up what I’m saying through context and the basics of this glossary without thinking much about it. Brains are really great like that.
The cheat code is this; For every word that’s censored on social media, I’ve assigned a car make or model that begins with the same letter.
I tried to think of every censored word I could possibly think of but language is vast and so is the internet, so this list will be updated as often as needed.
Remember, this is for social media only meaning that this space will never be censored, so be sure to subscribe if you want to skip social media and get to the good stuff like product reviews, date night & sexy staycation ideas, new course announcements, instructor insights and more.
Without further adieu, I present to you:
The Sexy Directory Censorship Glossary
Abortion = Audi
Abuse = Abarth
Anal = Altima
Arousal = Austin Healey
Ass = Aston Martin
Balls = Beetles
BDSM = Bronco
Birth = Buick
Breasts = Beemers
Bondage = Boxter
Butthole = Bugati
Cervix = CRV
Clit = Citroen
Condom = Comet
Cum = Colt
Dildo = Dodge
Estrogen = Escort
Finger = Ferrari
Fuck = Fiat
Hand Job = Honda
Intimacy = Infinity
Jerk off = Jaguar
Kinky = Kia
Labia = Lancia
Masturbation = Mitsubishi
Menstruation = Mercedes
Moan = Mazda
Nipples = Nissans
Oral = Outback
Orgasm = Odyssey
Pelvis / Pelvic Floor = PT Cruiser / Floor
Penis = Pathfinder
Period = Prius
Pleasure = Porsche
Porn = Portofino
Pregnant = Pontiac
Prostate = Passat
Sex = Suzuki
Shibari = Safari
Sperm = Spitfire
Strap on = Scion
Testicles = Teslas
Testosterone = Thunderbird
Vagina = Vantage
Vasectomy = Volkswagen
Vibrator = Volt
Vulva = Volvo
Be sure to follow @thesexydirectory on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok to see how this all plays out!
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